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We like to make things! The boys like to use their creativity to make things. Sometimes we look up a particular craft, but mostly they just create. They have access to many different kinds of materials and they just go for it. Thomas's favorite mediums have included chalk and the street in front of our house, foam sheets, construction paper, cardboard boxes, things from the recycling bin, large newsprint, toliet paper tubes, and his latest paper plates. I love that they have the time, space, and minds to create! I am just posting a few of the recent examples.


Before going to bed the other night Thomas asked me if he could do a craft in the morning. I said of course and sure enough first thing in the morning he found the paper plates and starting making octopuses (something he had done before). He then decided to make a whole ocean scene including fish, a dolphin, a squid fighting a sperm whale, and a shark (below). Stuart joined in and displayed his ocean upstairs (above) which had a blue whale, a puffer fish and a couple of squid.


Here Thomas and I are making a pyramid. I got a low temp hot glue gun so the boys could help me. It turned out pretty awesome. It was all his idea, I just helped where he asked or needed a little supervision.


The boys got sloths for Christmas (due to the previously discussed love of sloths). We were reading our book about the sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica and it talked about how they made the babies pajamas out of old socks because they didn't have a mommy to keep them warm, so the next morning we were sewing sloth pajamas. Thomas learned how to sew, including threading the needle. I mostly helped with the knots.


The kids watched a lot of Backyardigans over Christmas break while we painted their Jack in the beanstalk play area. One of their favorites is about an alien, so Stuart found this cardboard and made it into an alien. Thomas then decided he would surprise Stuart and make this UFO crash scene for him. It was pretty fun!


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