All children find interests and passions that they really love and they learn as they immerse themselves in that passion. My son...

Two years ago I went to the park. I was meeting up with some people who said they were unschoolers. I didn't know much about...

Mommy and daddy made me a chart. I call it Friday. I call it Friday because it's for a Friday surprise. A Friday surprise is a prize...

Story Maker
We found a great place to make writing fun. On abcya.com there is a thing called Story Maker. Thomas loves it. He has been writing and...

Galileo Experiment
We are currently reading about Galileo. We have chosen two people to study each month and Galileo's birthday was in February. Today we...

the planateream is a plase wer you lern abowt stars. We learned about some constellations. We went to classroom where they had some...

The Fair
These chicks are so cute. I touched a bunny. I saw a camel. I went on a ride. It was fun. They looked like fire trucks. I gone on one...

You get markers, and you get a hot glue stick and tape, and if you want to do pipe cleaners you can. Put the wire on the battery and see...

Stuart's Alphabet Wall by Stuart
We sing what letter it is. So, a,b,c,d,e. Five letters. Write the letter down. Think of pictures what start with the same letter. Pick a...

Balance Beam
The other day Heidi was trying to walk on the back of the couch, so I told her she needed to find something else to balance on, like a...