Sloths- Part 2
So, since last time we have had quite a bit more fun with sloths. Stuart wanted to name his sloth like the ones at the sanctuary in Costa Rica, so he named his Buttercup. Thomas then started naming his, but wanted Buttercup as well so he talked Stuart into trading him for the name Wally. Then, he decided to make more sloths. First, he made Violet who is a baby sloth, then he decided to make five more sloths all at once. He had to figure out how many legs for all those sloths (a good math exercise). He ended up with only three complete ones as his little sister helped him color some of them (which he wasn't a fan of) and I think he lost some of the legs (and a little bit of interest) after putting the third new one together.

Thomas also decided that we needed a hammock, like one he had seen in a book about the sanctuary, for his sloths to sleep in. We made one from an old piece of fabric and some yarn. First, we had to hang it outside, but he was worried they would blow away so we tied a cover over it. Later, due to the heat and so we didn't have to worry about the wind, we brought the hammock inside.

I remembered that we have a sloth at the zoo that they have never paid much attention to before. I mentioned it to Thomas on Thursday morning and told him we should go on Friday. He insisted he wanted to see it right away. Either day was going to be very hot, so we just went. We took lots of pictures. The closeer-up picture is the one I took. Thomas took the other one. We left and came back to the sloths three different times while we were there at the zoo.

We love sloths and we love learning and creating!